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Speaker Pelosi Earns Respect From Leading Political Activist


By David Mixner

When Speaker Pelosi first took office, I was concerned that she would attempt to seek consensus among her members to the point of sacrificing an opportunity to be a great Speaker. I was totally wrong.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi has won my deep admiration and respect with her skillful leadership, dedication to the separation of powers mandated by the Constitution, and keeping her word about working to end the war in Iraq. The Speaker understands power and is not afraid to use it to make good on the promises that she made to voters and her supporters. The first female Speaker, she is not intimidated at all by the President or his posse and is working to restore the House of Representatives to its rightful place as a separate entity from the Executive Branch.

She has already established an amazing record since taking office in January.

One of her first acts as Speaker was to initiate reform and put ethics on the front burner. While there is still much work to be done, she kept her promise to start cleaning up the House, which had become a place of scandal and good old boy pork projects. There have been some missteps but she has refused to be dragged down by the Republican mob looking only to discredit her and prevent Congress from refocusing on its proper role as a check to the power of the Executive.

Most impressive has been her powerful leadership against the War in Iraq….(please click here to read more commentary from David Mixner)

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